
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Buying Video Games from Amazon always a NIGHTMARE.

Stock images from Pexels
        With Gamestop no longer being the prime time destination for buying video games, there should be another way to get games such as alongside getting digital copies to download from the site. Unfortunately, we can rely on online ordering through Amazon....when it comes to some retro and import titles. However, games released on today's current consoles. If the game is mainstream or AAA, you get more luck. Otherwise, you could be SOL and might want to consider downloading the title.

        What is the deal with Amazon in terms of shopping for games? I tried to look for Samurai Shodown for the Nintendo Switch but I wish to buy a physical copy in order to save memory on my SD Card. I had to take my L. I was not able to find me a retail cartridge of the game at my local Gamestop (before that sink would go to sink). What if I were to try my luck at Amazon? No luck here, as matter of fact, there would be sellers but they would be asking for an extra $10 from the retail price of $49.99USD. Would we have more luck if I were to check out Best Buy or eBay? Ironically so. I was able to find that the game was in stock at Best Buy and there is a listings for the game on eBay that charges the actual $50 price tag especially Best Buy has a listing for the game on eBay. Amazon seems to care more about the AAA and mainstream titles more and barely consider the niche titles. Why does it seem to be so?

        The problem here always stem to the games industry as we know it. Publishers and corporations have been pushing for games to be bought digitally. This is one of the main reasons why people even buy consoles in the first place. The convenience of  buying a game in physical form so you just pop the game in and play. To be fair, I would have nightmares of how my disc-based games would decide to fall apart or break apart either all of a sudden or I would end up messing up disc despite being gentle as I can. However, if it is announced on PlayStation 4. It can run on PlayStation 4 (and run better on PS4 Pro). Doesn't hide the fact that this is a weakness for the console gaming scene. Let's get right to the point. The idea of buying games physically isn't really dying. It's attempted to be killed off. Physical copies also provided people the ability to either buy games used or rent them. The companies would make more money off of people buying games factory sealed. For people to buy games used or rent them would make developers less money. This is why I ended up figuring that companies were going to war with Blockbuster, Hollywood, or Gamefly for offering game rentals. The video game rental industry was almost depleted through assassination attempts and discount sales making games cheaper. Companies also tried to go to war with used game sales by attempting to implement an online pass tactic. It is whatever makes companies more money. That said, I am expecting companies to kill off physical copies and shoving digital purchases down our throats pretty soon.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Every console generation....

Stock image from Pexels
        It seems to me that console gaming seems to be burdened with more things another another. However, there seems to be a chain of events that I seem to notice that loops with every console generation. Why is it that every generation, one console wins this "console war" when both consoles in the current gen could do just as good as each other?

        Back in the good old SNES and Genesis era. The console game wars would be nothing more but a mere gimmick. Sadly, Nintendo thought it would be a good idea to dumb down the blood and gore when it came to Mortal Kombat. That backfired when SEGA brought in the blood and gore, even though people had to implement a code. Nintendo's family friendly console shenanigans was not a wise enough move. When the N64 and PSX days were around, there was a surprise release of the Sega Saturn that the Sega Saturn couldn't afford. The Nintendo 64 lineup seem to have too much sunshine as the PSX would offer more than that...until the Dreamcast showed up. PlayStation 2 dominated it's generation which was a bummer because Xbox introduced Halo and continued Dead or Alive. Then, Sony decided to do something stupid and consequentially the PS3 had to catch up as Xbox 360 would take over it's generation. Now, PlayStation 4 is dominating the generation as Xbox seems to be damn well lacking. Now, Sony implemented a strict international policy as people would get less censored gaming if either people went to the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, or PC. These stories for every generation would not only be complicating and a doozy to go through but adds more to the console war that wasn't even necessary to begin with.

       I understand competition is healthy in the industry. Seriously, every generation, a console manufacturer would cause a crap show and one console to rule to them all when consoles in a current generation should do just as well as each other. Sony needs to scratch that international content policy before god knows what is going happen that can gaslight the whole PC gaming "master race" shenanigans as anyone can hold it up not only against PlayStation but console gaming in general. And figure out things for games on PSX-PS3. Now on to Xbox, every Xbox games needs to be compatible especially on disc. Get more games while continuing to acknowledge that you have Windows as you can have Xbox and PC players playing with and among each other. Every generation should have consoles do just as good as each other. It's ridiculous that one console to rule them all because someone had to do something that causes a crap show.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Figured I would be having to share my videos to this blogspace. Here is a news video.