
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My suspicions for NEXT GEN (PS5 and XB20 or XBSX)

          I can't help but cautiously look forward this holiday season or later or whenever they are releasing when the Xbox 2020 and PlayStation 5 enter the markets. However a few things happened that made me uncertain about console gaming as of now. I would like to be proven wrong. As a matter of fact, some of these suspicions of mine are rather worse case scenarios that might not happen at all. However, I wonder how can next gen go wrong day by day. But there are a few things that can possibly happen in the new gen:

- Backwards Compatibility ditched by Sony for PS5: Sony has a stupidly strict international content policy on games that was in effect back in late 2018. We were hearing news after news about how developers were forced to heavily alter their content in order for approval. That policy will play a role in the fate of backwards compatibility for PS5. Sony may ditch it due to the games released on previous console that would then violate Sony's policy if released today. Hell, they may even point us to PlayStation Now instead.

- Content policies can be exposed more by anyone: The strict international policy with Sony I pointed out in previously in the article can also play a role in something else, even alongside. Anyone can get a hold of it and hold it up against Sony and PlayStation owners. Not only them but also console owners in general can be affected as well. There is no proof negating the idea of Microsoft implementing shenanigans the same as Sony. Microsoft also did something dumb as well and they might do something dumber. The content policy shows the console gaming library is dictated as the PC gaming market has a wider variety of games and games that aren't even censored. This can be utilized to sway the console gamer into the PC gaming market.

- Consoles will lose value despite success: It is obvious that PS5 and Xbox Series X or Xbox 2020 will be selling billions of units. However, will that success be it? Sony and Microsoft has been trying to catch up to everyone's PC specs in order for games to be playable on their platform and have close enough performance as the version sold on Steam. The reason why is that PC gaming technology has evolved and heavily outdated console gaming specs thus explaining how we ended up getting PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. Not only that, but let's think about why PS4 and XB1 released too early. By the time they have caught up, consumers have been considering gaming desktops and laptops and NVIDIA has already been coming out with a beefier graphics chip. Your friends may be moving over to Steam and don't be expecting cross-platform multiplayer to carry over to PS5 and Xbox Series X or Xbox 2020.

- Cloud Gaming will be shoved down throats: Google Stadia failed miserably and got it's ass kicked by NVIDIA GeForce NOW. However, Sony and Microsoft can possibly learn from Stadia the wrong lessons. What does that mean? Sony and Microsoft will see how cloud gaming can cut production costs in manufacturing. Not only that, they can also utilize subscription prices for extra money. Despite the predatory monetization practices I have been caught up on in terms of cloud gaming, still not going to deny they may possibly make PS5 or Xbox after Series X a cloud gaming console. Whether you like it or not, it won't surprise me if Sony and Microsoft decides to double down a cloud gaming rather producing units.

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